Inspired by a beautiful necklace from modcloth I made a white blossom necklace myself as a birthday gift for A.
Here's how you make it:
You'll need:
- about 30cm x 50 cm of satin fabric
- 3 different sizes of pearls (1 big, 2 medium, 2 small)
- chain necklace
- needles and thread
- scissors
- paper- pencil
- sewing machine (I guess you can do without, but it will be very time-consuming)
- some sewing experience (this is not for beginners)
Step 1:
- cut 3 petal shapes from paper: 1 big, 1 medium, 1 small. The size should be a bit bigger than the size, you want the petal to be. Attention: 5 petals make 1 blossom, so the diameter of the flower will be about twice the size of one petal.
Step 2:- fold fabric (right side on right) to a strip slightly wider than the petal and pin down.
- cut strip (you don't have to, but for me, all the excess fabric gets in my way)
Step 3:
- trace the petal shape and draw onto the fabric- you will need 10 of the small shape, 10 of the medium shape, and 5 of the big shape
Step 4:- using the sewing machine, sew along the shape, leaving one part (the pointy part) open
- repeat for all petals
- careful, this can be a bit delicate to sew
Step 5:- once you're done you can remove the pins and cut out the petals just outside the sewn outlines
Step 6: - turn all petals inside out
- using needle and thread handsew the pointy part of the petal together
Step 7:- step by step handsew 5 equally sized petals together to make a blossom
- repeat until you have 5 blossoms (1 big, 2 medium, 2 small)
Step 8:
- handsew the matching pearls (big on big etc.) in the middle of the blossom, repeat for all blossoms
- sew the blossoms on the chain of the necklace: the big one in the middle, then a medium one on either side, and then the small ones
All done! :)